The No. 1 Thing People Overlook for Top Local Search Rankings

Local Search DirectoriesWe all need top local search engine rankings, but how do you get them?

Well, there’s one big secret that many businesses overlook. It has the potential to really boost your local search rankings.

So what’s this one secret? We’re talking about local search directories. These are websites about your community that list local business information. Search engines like Google and Bing use the information on these directories to help rank local businesses.

Listing your business’ address, phone number and website on local directories tells search engines that your business is relevant in your community. In turn, it can help boost your local search rankings on things like Google Maps.

Local business directories in your area might include a community newspaper’s website as well as the area chamber of commerce’s website.

So how do you find local search directories? Here are several things that you can do.

  1. Google Search – Google search phrases like “[Your Community Name] Local Search Directory” or “[Your Community Name] Local Search Directories”. These search queries can uncover some of the top ones in your area.
  2. BightLocal BrightLocal can find online directories in your community with its CitationTracker tool. It locates the top ones by scanning the competition on Google. BrightLocal offers a free 30-day trail. Its base package starts at $19.99/month.
  3. Whitespark Whitespark makes it easy to find directories. Enter important search phrases into Whitespark and it will scour the internet for local directories. The company offers a limited free trial. Its base package starts at $20/month.
  4. Blog Search – Some blogs in your community may feature local businesses. Many also have industry-specific business lists. The key to finding these blogs is to do a Google Search. Type “[Your Community Name] + blog”. You can also try the Google Blog Search Tool with the same search query.

During your search, you’ll typically find free and paid local online directories. Take advantage of the free opportunities. It helps to boost your local search rankings.

When it comes to paid directories, use your judgment, especially if you have a limited budget. As an example, many chamber of commerce organizations charge membership fees. However, it might be in your interest to join. That’s because you typically get access to other resources. This can include free advertising, networking and access to community events.

Getting Help

If you’re having trouble finding local area directories or don’t have the time, you can always outsource to a company that specializes in local business marketing.

At Right On – No Bull Marketing, we can help your business get top search rankings in your local market. We have a team of certified experts that can assist you with your local search needs.

To find out how we can help you, check out our page on local business marketing. You can also call us at 1-877-837-8803.

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